1. Seven Basic Blog Posts. I'm guilty of most, but not all. I blog what I want!
2. This Poster. Though I'm not completely in love with the color scheme.
4. Elle.com Daily Astrology Forecast. Eerie.
5. The Grønne Sti (Green Path) in Copenhagen. I want to go ride by this bike counter a couple of times just to see the number go up. I have no life and am amused by lame things. I once had a car with a analog odometer (is there such a thing? I mean an odometer that's not digital, obviously) that, once I realized you could make it go backwards, I drove in reverse circles for about two tenths of a mile in a parking lot one night with some friends in high school. Like I said, easily amused.
Let the hunt begin!
(see, told you I would start using it!)
1 comment:
if you're really sad and pathetic... you'll wait a few metres away and try to be the 100,000th, 150,000th, 200,000th, etc cyclist that passes by.
That's a hobby that lasts all year!
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