The "extreme sporting event" of the peninsula -- the sprint (or lope, or skip, whatever... ) across the Eastport Bridge, for no reason at all, followed by a few hours of doggie and owner fun.In past years the course has been described as "a slight rise, followed by a slight decline, with a convenient water stop halfway across." I am truly sad to have missed this, again. I've lived across The Republic on "the mainland" for years and I always miss this Parthenon-worthy athletic event! :( I guess I have a good excuse this year because for the first June of my life I am living 4000 miles away from the MRE. Sadface.Event registration starts at 10:30 a.m. at Eastport Elementary School, and the race will begin promptly at the crack of noon, on the Annapolis side of the bridge. Once trophies are awarded to the winners -- at about 12:03 (after all the record time to beat is about 30 seconds), Dog Day Afternoon will begin, featuring an arena for silly dog and owner tricks for some really nice prizes.
Registration for runners is $20 and for that you get a limited edition t-shirt designed by Eastport' artist and race founder Cindy Fletcher-Holden plus some other goodies. Winning categories in the past have included fastest, slowest, youngest, oldest, etc.
Doggie registration is $15 and for that you get a bag full of doggie goodies and entry in the dog competition, which in the past has included Best Dancing Dog, Best Singing Dog, Best Dog/Owner Lookalike, Best Costume, etc. You get the picture.
Runners/walkers/skippers/lopers across the bridge may do so with their dogs on a leash and with strollers -- just don't trip the gazelles who really run full out to win.
On the flip side, I'm getting pumped for the 2008 Tug of War. Slaughter Across the Water!! I missed 2007's, but for 2006 bestie and I went dressed in antennae, scarves, and sweatshirts that read "Snug as a bug at the Tug." It was cute. :)
I forgot that my hair was ever that long. Daim hein.
Sweet Rugged Wearhouse sweatshirts.
You better be planning on coming to the tug.
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