Saturday, February 6, 2010


We're in the middle of Snowpacalypse 2 here in the DC area (to see what I learned during Snowpacalypse 1, go here). I'm already suffering from a bit of cabin fever. It seems to set in quick when you're anticipating it, doesn't it? In a bit, I'm going to eat a hearty coffee and stove top oatmeal breakfast spiked with creatine and go outside to get huge start shoveling. In the mean time, the snow means delays for Metro (and all above-ground stations are closed), but they seem to be taking it in stride:

(click to enlarge)


Karen Cantwell said...

Hey, Sarah -- like your blog. Greetings from snowy Reston, Virginia.

Sarah said...

Thanks, Karen!

How are you all faring down there?

A said...

Your blog has been recommended to us as a interviewee's favorite blog!
We would like to do an interview with you about your blog for Blog
Interviewer. We'd
like to give you the opportunity to
give us some insight on the "person behind the blog."
It would just take a few minutes of your time. The interview form can
be submitted online here Submit your interview.
Best regards,
Mike Thomas

A said...

Your blog has been recommended to us as a interviewee's favorite blog!
We would like to do an interview with you about your blog for Blog
Interviewer. We'd
like to give you the opportunity to
give us some insight on the "person behind the blog."
It would just take a few minutes of your time. The interview form can
be submitted online here Submit your interview.
Best regards,
Mike Thomas